6-9 June 2024
The energy, art and music of both emerging and established artists from the local, national and international scene can be enjoyed in this musical event on the beautiful island of Formentera.
The Formentera Jazz Festival arose from the artistic curiosity that the island has always inspired in its inhabitants and visitors. With a magnificent artistic history behind it, it was only a matter of time before the island had its own music festival to express this ceaseless creativity that is an irresistible attraction to anyone who comes close enough to witness it.
Formentera Jazz Festival is a unique musical event in a unique location and with the freedom and elegance that is the essence of jazz. Located in a prime corner of that liquid continent we call the Mediterranean, this island jewel will be the perfect setting for the poetry and legends that surround it to continue throbbing in every note of a warm summer night of musical entertainment at its best.For all the information visit www.formenterajazzfestival.info